About Me

My name is Sufiyan, and I formerly resided in Delhi. and I am a B.Tech final-year information technology student at the west campus of NSUT. Working with cutting-edge technology excites me.

  • JAVA
    Problem solving with Data Stucture and Algorithms
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Wordpress
  • SQL
    Database Mangement System
  • B.Tech in I.T. (2019 - 2023)
    NSUT West Campus (Formerly CBPGEC) CGPA 8.396 till now
  • Class XII (CBSE) 2018
    Govt. Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Sector-3 Rohini, New Delhi 60.4%
  • Class X (CBSE) 2016
    Indraprastha Convent Sr. Sec. School, New Delhi CGPA 8.6
  • Web Development
    Work with Indraprastha kendra as a Wordpress Developer
  • Node.js
    Automation and web scrapping self projects
  • Wordpress
    Depoly a site named Shopping villa, fully fuctional e-commerce site.

MY Services


I have a good coding attitude. When I use a language like Java, I use good data structures and algorithms in my commands. I also have experience with web development, having used html, CSS, javascript, WordPress, and other technologies. 

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Web Design

My three rules for doing web work stem from my web development experience. these three factors boost my creativity.
1. appearance,
2. design, and
3. performance.

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App Design

I am able to make a simple, functional app in which I can make chatbots, user authentications, and many more foundational tasks.

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My Work


This project is based on telsa automobiles with amazing navigation and payments interfaces.

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Web Scrapping

This project involves scraping a website and extracting data into a preferred document type. 

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This project is based on a solution to such types of work where we have to do things in a recursive manner.

I,m attaching a video also.

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Shopping villa

This is the fully functional e-com. site

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Contact Me

[email protected]

+91 8383843822

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